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by collection by typology
Filo Delfo Piano Rettangolare Itaca Kanto Otis Siwa Marcel Plinio Milano I Narcisi Theo Kyros I Catini Elle Arcadia Delfo Tiberio Multiplo Sella Les Petites Shui Comfort Era Le Bacinelle Shui Mare Le Giare Fluid Smile Orinatoi Enjoy e Amedeo Piatti doccia Catino Accessori Complementi d'arredo
washbasins furnitures toilets and bidets shower trays bathtubs mirrors urinals furnishings / accessories
on-top bowls on-top washbasins wall-hung washbasins semi-recessed and undercounter washbasins freestanding washbasins washbasins with cabinets
cabinets with washbasin
floor mounted wc & bidet wall hung wc & bidet close coupled toilets
shower trays
bath tubs
mirror with storage mirror without storage
wall-hung urinals
towel rails and accessories sacche basket pouffe and storage
cm 62 x 2,5 x 87 hLe Giare mirrorart. LGSP
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